Yes, "Nowwhat?," and as Wikipedia reminds us, "The "Time of the End" of Daniel 12:4 is identified as beginning in October 1799—when Napoleon invaded Egypt and ended the power of the papacy—and closing in 1914, at which point violent worldwide revolution would mark the end of the old world order and the beginning of a new one."
I like calling a "lifestyle religion." Like the snakes they are they will shed their doctrinal skin, especially in regard to the sadly mistaken former leaders of the borganization - Russell, Rutherford, Knorr/Franz - and morph into something that would be unrecognizable to those "inspired" men prior to the 21st century. Their phoney-baloney jobs and their parasitism DEMAND it.
I think it is possible that will conveniently "forget" about 1919 and their "Jesus selected ME for his team" doctrine. They will find a new prevarication to use as "evidence" that they are the "one true religion," although I can't imagine what that new lie might be.